Bye tree
There's something terribly humiliating about the way the vending machine here says, loudly and in a robotic voice, Please choose the desired product, then I have to be ok enough with myself to admit I desire E6, Nutter Butter
A baby was sitting on the cutting board table in the kitchen wearing a bib and socks and a onesie with his shiny soft bald head and you could see the veins and he was just watching stoically and there was a gray green sea-foam pumpkin sitting next to him and a glass of water. Later the pumpkin was replaced with a bowl of chips as the baby was moved to the mirror, and the gourd was moved to the counter near the coffee maker
This palm trunk smokes like a chimney #smoketree #cool
Boy riding bicycle with stunt. When the stunt guy falls he flings a newspaper about 30 feet in the air. There's an armored car waiting around the corner.
Cactus paddles in the sunlight (soon-to-be plates by Jo-hsin Chen)
Rest in peace, rat friend. I hope it's not a bad sign we eat at the same restaurant
Spotted this #cronenberg device cowering at the library
ESS Wedge with sleeping interface and salt crystal illumination
Cones, spheres, and other types of forms are often abandoned after they have been graded.
Easily the most successful photo I've ever taken, if tumblr is any indication
#costco #makeitstop #blueberryhell
Built a fish with my niece, Grace
Florida Keys
Freud's ancient artifact
Had to do it
F that crap