Palais des Beaux Arts Wien
Corner View, Löwengasse & Paracelsusgasse
(Peter Haas / CC-BY-SA-3.0) 2017
There are places where people grow up and leave, and others, who’s past and future continue to inhabit ourselves ever more deeply as we explore the links between street corners, book pages and histories of ideas.
(…) Bachwitz had created a French enclave in the Viennese district of Landstraße near the Danube Canal, where hundreds of people had found employment. There were diligent colourists – every issue was hand-coloured. Staff members were busily manning the telephones in the export department, constantly collecting information on the sales of the issues and recording new orders from the general representatives of the Bachwitz products in London and New York.
The Palais Around the Corner from Musil and Wittgenstein appears in Issue 7.1 of continent.
Material - Text
Dimensions - 11 Pages
Author - Eva-Maria Mandl
Year - 2017
Copy Editing -
Nadežda Kinsky Müngersdorff
Very Artistic Director -
Bernhard Garnicnig
A Little History of the Wireless Icon (Eine kleine Geschichte des Wireless Icons) is an introduction into the iconographic history of wireless technologies.
English Version / German Version